I met Spunky 10 years ago when Husband and I were in High School and I got to come over and meet the family. One scary dog might I say, Huge! The in laws had a sign on the fence that read BEWARE OF DOG. I say the sign was not big enough! Neither was the fence. Spunky is HUGE! I felt like one of those kids in the sandlot fearing Hercules would jump over the fence and tear me to pieces! Eventually though our destiny was for us to become friends and family.
Years passed and as I, Spunky got older. 2 years ago Brother in law brought him a little brother to play with and spunky did not like the idea. Little brother wanted to play and jump on Spunky but Spunky was not having it. Spunky was too old. Spunky seemed grumpy and never wanted to play with his brother so he would bark at him. We noticed though that Spunky had a hard time walking and he just look so tired and in pain. Father in law took him to the doctors and they broke the news to him, Not so good news. We found out that day when father in law came home that Spunky had cancer. Such horrible news to receive, Doctor said that sadly spunky was too old and cancer was advanced that there was nothing for us to do but to let spunky go and live his last days. I stared at father in law's face as he told us this, there was pain and sadness, we had no idea how to tell the boys the news of their dog, their brother, since they were both at work. I hated knowing first, I let father and Mother in law break the news to their kids.
That day, the doctor prescribed pain medicine to help Spunky move around and ease the pain. It made him feel good he was walking and eating again and it made us all happy we ignored the fact they told us Spunky has cancer.
Last night when we came home from church Father in law told us to go and say good bye to our brother. We noticed earlier in the week Spunky laying down and not moving at all. He looked so sad it broke my heart, medicine was useless now. We realized the last days were here and Spunky didn't look so good. We noticed Spunky's stomach was swollen, belly looked like he would be pregnant impossible I might add. He now lays there in a lot of pain, not moving at all. Brother in law called Doggie doctor and set an appointment. Spunky will be put to rest today. No more pain and suffering for his sick and aching body. Brother in law will take the trip today, I think ill come along.
I shot these pictures last wednesday. They make perfect memories for husband and I.
I will be shedding a tear today.